How to Choose Wall Art

Wall Art

Have you ever walked into a room and felt something was missing?

Choosing wall art isn't merely about filling blank spaces; it's about enhancing the room's features and setting the right mood.

Identify the room's focal point and determine how your art can accentuate or complement it.

Think about the size, colour palette, and your personal style preferences to create harmony.

Adhering to a few fundamental guidelines reveals that the right wall art can transform a space and reflect your personality in ways you never imagined.

Ready to elevate your home décor?

Living Room Prints

Identify the Focal Point

living room prints

Identify the room's focal point, such as a prominent window, a striking piece of furniture, or a fireplace. This focal anchor will guide your design choices.

Assess the room's orientation to determine the flow of natural light and the standout architectural features. These elements establish visual pathways, guiding the eye around the space and highlighting key areas.

With the focal anchor points pinpointed, consider arranging your wall art to enhance these features. The art should complement, not compete with, the focal points. Arrange it to follow the natural visual pathways, creating a harmonious flow.

For instance, if the fireplace is the focal point, ensure the art above it adds to its grandeur without overshadowing it.

Design hierarchies are also essential. They refer to the arrangement of elements in order of importance or prominence. Decide which elements stand out the most and arrange your art to support this hierarchy. For example, the bed might be the most essential element in a bedroom, followed by a piece of art above the bed, and then smaller pieces on the side walls. These are what we call 'focal anchor points', and they will guide your design choices. For instance, the bed could be the focal anchor point in a bedroom, while in a dining room, it could be the dining table. Start by exploring local galleries and online marketplaces, or even consider creating your own DIY wall art. The possibilities are endless! For instance, a large abstract painting can add a modern touch to a minimalist living room, while a gallery wall of family photos can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in a hallway. What if the answer lies in the art on your walls?

Balance is paramount; your wall art should highlight the room's architectural features while maintaining a cohesive look. Thoughtfully placing your art creates a visually appealing dynamic and unified space.

Kitchen Prints

Set the Desired Atmosphere

kitchen prints

After establishing the focal points, consider how your wall art can evoke the desired atmosphere in the room.

Think about the emotions you want to evoke when entering the space. Are you seeking a calm, serene environment? Choose pieces with soothing colours like soft blues, greens, or pastels. These hues create a tranquil backdrop that promotes relaxation.

Enhance this ambience with mood lighting that complements your art. Soft, dimmable lights can highlight your pieces and enhance the sensory experience.

For a more intimate setting, select art that fosters an emotional connection. Portraits, personal photos, or story artwork can make the room feel cosy and inviting.

Monopoly Prints

Choose the Right Size

monopoly prints

Choosing the right size for wall art is crucial for the wall and overall scale. Consider the concept of scale carefully. A small piece of art can easily get lost on a large wall, while an oversized piece can dominate a smaller space.

Think about the wall's proportions and how the art will integrate into the room's layout.

For visual harmony, aim for art that occupies about two-thirds to three-quarters of the wall space. This achieves a pleasing balance.

Multiple pieces might be necessary to get the scale on a large wall. Frame proportions are also significant. A thick frame can make a piece feel more prominent, while a slim frame can make it appear lighter and less imposing.

Take into account the room's layout as well. High ceilings require taller pieces, whereas wide walls are well-suited to horizontal artwork.

The art should complement the room's overall feel, imparting a sense of freedom and spaciousness. Considering these scale factors, you'll select wall art that beautifully enhances your space.

Penguin Book Prints

Match the Color Palette

penguin book prints COBHAM QUEEN

Selecting wall art that complements the room's colour palette ensures a cohesive and harmonious look.

To achieve colour harmony, consider the 60-30-10 rule: 60% of the room's colour should be dominant, 30% secondary, and 10% accent. For example, in a room with beige walls, a grey sofa, and white curtains, the dominant colour is beige, the secondary colour is grey, and the accent colour is white.  To choose the right size, measure the wall and consider the furniture layout. For example, in a living room with a large sofa, a medium-sized painting might get lost, while a large painting could overpower the space. On the other hand, if you want to create an energetic space, consider using bold, vibrant colours like red or orange.This helps maintain palette balance and ensures your wall art won't clash with existing colours.

First, examine the dominant colours in your space. If your room uses neutral colours like beige, grey, or white, bold art prints can add vibrant energy without overwhelming the design.

For a room with a monochromatic scheme, select artwork in different shades of the same hue to create design unity.

Introducing artistic contrast can add visual interest. Choose art with colours opposite each other on the colour wheel, like blue and orange or red and green. This contrast will make the art stand out while blending seamlessly with the room.

Focus on hue selection, making sure the art enhances, not overpowers, the room's colour scheme. You'll create a visually appealing and unified space by thoughtfully selecting pieces that match and contrast with your room's palette.

Black and White Prints

Define Your Style Preferences

black and white prints

Defining your style preferences is essential for choosing wall art that genuinely resonates with your taste and enhances your home's aesthetic.

Consider your quirks—the little things that make you unique. Do you love bold colours, or are you drawn to minimalist designs? These preferences will guide your choices. For example, if you're a fan of the Renaissance era, consider choosing art that reflects the style and themes of that period.

Think about which artistic era speaks to you—inspired by the Renaissance, captivated by Impressionism, or fascinated by modern abstract art? Knowing your favourite era helps narrow down your options.

Your cultural roots can also play a significant role. Reflect on your heritage and how it influences your tastes. Traditional African motifs or Asian calligraphy might deeply resonate with you.

Emotional expression is another critical factor. Art is a powerful medium for conveying feelings. Choose pieces that evoke the emotions you want to experience daily, be they joy, serenity, or inspiration.

Lastly, consider your design philosophy. Do you prefer a cohesive look throughout your home, or do you like mixing styles? Your philosophy will help you maintain harmony in your space.

Personalised Prints

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